2024.09.13 Ieri am fost la Digital Divas, am stat putin: am ajuns pe la 11:11, am facut cateva poze, am stat la prima sesiune a conferintei, am mancat, am plecat pe la 14:45. Platisem 4h parcare, ma gandisem si sa platesc o zi, dar apoi am zis ca iau ulterior ore, am platit prin sms la nr. 7458. CE A FOST DRAGUT: + am cunoscut o fata simpatica @CatalinaZaiet (Zaiet= iepuras in rusa, erau niste desene cu un lup si un iepuras nazdravan in copilaria mea, Niet Zaiet pagadi ! - O sa te …
2022.08.21 Follow the steps of a modern Sherlock Holmes, take some free Digital Investiga…
I bought this book, Lessons from from Madame Chic, 20 Stylish Secrets I learned while li…
drawing by me Masterclass.com had a yearly Labour Day 50% percent promotion on 2 September, and I enrolled, I paid 300 RON for a year of access to all classes, quite a deal. The first class I followed is Wellness - Gut Health , which was interesting, I learned all about the microbiom living in our bodies and a few healthy recepies. The courses are not interactive and they don't impose home…
2024.08.10 breloc din material cusut dupa un videoclip pe YouTube. Se incepe de la un…
imagine generata de mine cu Open Ai Dalle2 + umeras vector sursa 1 , 2 2023.03.07 Recu…
Sibel & Erkut, she works at crewing agency and he is a navigator Maria: I liked the fact they were waring matchy outfits, both in black and white. I liked her long black dress, chuncky black and white sport shoes, small bag with animal print strap and I also liked his botanical t-shirt and striped shorts. short video from the AirShow
Irina , from Ukraine, English Teacher working remote in Romania since March. Maria: I …
S1 E7 & 9 S1 E5 & 6 S1 E3 & 4 S1 E1&2 2024.07.27 Recently my instagra…
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