2024.09.13 Ieri am fost la Digital Divas, am stat putin: am ajuns pe la 11:11, am facut cateva poze, am stat la prima sesiune a conferintei, am mancat, am plecat pe la 14:45. Platisem 4h parcare, ma gandisem si sa platesc o zi, dar apoi am zis ca iau ulterior ore, am platit prin sms la nr. 7458. CE A FOST DRAGUT:   + am cunoscut o fata simpatica @CatalinaZaiet (Zaiet= iepuras in rusa, erau niste desene cu un lup si un iepuras nazdravan in copilaria mea, Niet Zaiet pagadi ! - O sa te …

Free courses @AFP - Digital Investigation Techniques

2022.08.21 Follow the steps of a modern Sherlock Holmes, take some free Digital Investiga…

Book: Lessons from from Madame Chic by Jennifer L. Scott

I bought this book,  Lessons from from Madame Chic, 20 Stylish Secrets I learned while li…

[Course] [MasterClass] Karla Welch - Building and Owning Your Personal Style

drawing by me Masterclass.com had a yearly Labour Day 50% percent promotion on 2 September, and I enrolled, I paid 300 RON for a year of access to all classes, quite a deal. The first class I followed is Wellness - Gut Health , which was interesting, I learned all about the microbiom living in our bodies and a few healthy recepies. The courses are not interactive and they don't impose home…

[Handmade] Breloc textil

2024.08.10  breloc din material cusut dupa un videoclip pe YouTube.  Se incepe de la un…

Slow Fashion

imagine generata de mine cu  Open Ai Dalle2  + umeras vector sursa  1 , 2 2023.03.07 Recu…

Matchy Couple @Black Sea AirShow - Mihail Kogalniceanu Airport

Sibel & Erkut, she works at crewing agency and he is a navigator Maria: I liked the fact they were waring matchy outfits, both in black and white. I liked her long black dress, chuncky black and white sport shoes, small bag with animal print strap and I also liked his botanical t-shirt and striped shorts. short video from the AirShow

Irina @Black Sea AirShow - Mihail Kogalniceanu Airport

Irina , from Ukraine, English Teacher working remote in Romania since March. Maria: I …

Film: Serial: Emily in Paris @Netflix

S1 E7 & 9   S1 E5 & 6 S1 E3 & 4 S1 E1&2 2024.07.27 Recently my instagra…

inspiraţie de la mine, Maria, soție / mamă/ graficiană/ antreprenoare școală de navigatie velier

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