Health Problems

RO: De ce am lipsit atât de mult de aici?

Am avut din păcate, niște probleme de sănătate. După un scurt concediu la munte, când ne-am întors am descoperit ca am multe puncte roșii  in special pe picioare, aveam puncte negre pe buze, niște răni pe scalp, pete rosii pe corp unde ma stransesera hainele si urinam cu sânge. Inițial am mers la un dermatolog (clinica Artemis) care mi-a dat niște antimicotice. Apoi am fost de urgenta la urolog(OCH) si după ce m-a controlat, urologul mi-a recomandat sa merg la un hematolog. Hematologul(OCH) mi-a făcut analize de urgenta la sânge si a ieșit ca am doar 1000 de trombocite (normalul e de 150-450 mii). Mi-a recomandat sa mă internez fie la ei la clinica, fie la județean. Am ales sa merg la Spitalul Județean. Acolo după o ora si ceva de așteptare in triaj am fost preluata ca urgenta, verificata de covid si apoi dusa in salon, la secția de hematologie. Mi-au fost făcute transfuzii cu trombocite si diferite perfuzii cu medicamente. De la 1 mie trombocite pe 1 septembrie, am ajuns la 4 mii, apoi 29 mii, apoi 82 mii, apoi 215 mii apoi pe 6 septembrie 308 mii, ceea ce e o valoare normala (intre 150-450 mii). Am stat internata 6 zile. Diagnosticul a fost de Trombocitopenie Imuna Primara din cauze necunoscute. Țin sa mulțumesc întregii echipe de la Spitalul Județean Constanta, medici si asistente, mi-au salvat viața! Țin sa mulțumesc si tuturor care au donat sânge in numele meu. Datorita vouă au putut medicii sa îmi facă transfuziile salvatoare.

Acum sunt bine însă trebuie sa fac periodic, la câteva săptămâni, analize de sânge, sa vad cum se mai prezinta nr. de trombocite. Stau cu frica in sân cum s-ar zice. Va rog rugați-va sau puneți un gând bun pentru mine sa fiu bine, să nu mai scadă nr. de trombocite. Mulțumesc!

Am fost internata ulterior si la Spitalul Fundeni Bucuresti, unde mi-au facut o analiza complexa a nivelului de santatate, diagnosticul insa a fost similar. Multumesc pe aceasta cale si echipei de acolo! 

Cel mai greu mi-a fost sa stau departe de familia mea, in special de fiica mea de aproape 3 ani. Si ei i-a fost greu, tot intreba cand vine mama ei acasa de la spital. Am fost multe zile plecata si dorul a fost mare. 

Va doresc tuturor sanatate si sa razbiti in fata dificultatilor vietii! 

EN: Why have I been away from here for so long?

Unfortunately, I had some health problems. After a short holiday in the mountains, when we came back I discovered that I had many red dots especially on my legs, I had black dots on my lips, some rashes on my scalp, red spots on my body where my clothes were tighter and I was urinating with blood. Initially, I went to a dermatologist (Artemis clinic) who gave me some antifungals. Then I went to the emergency urologist (OCH) and after checking me, the urologist recommended me to go to a hematologist. The hematologist (OCH) did emergency blood tests on me and it turned out that I only have 1000 platelets (normal is 150-450 thousand). He recommended that I go to hospital either at their clinic or at the county hospital. I chose to go to the County Hospital. There, after an hour or so of waiting in the triage, I was taken as an emergency, checked for covid and then taken to the salon, to the hematology department. I was given transfusions with platelets and various infusions with medicines. From 1 thousand platelets on September 1, I reached 4 thousand, then 29 thousand, then 82 thousand, then 215 thousand, then on September 6, 308 thousand, which is a normal value (between 150-450 thousand). I was hospitalized for 6 days. The diagnosis was Primary Immune Thrombocytopenia of unknown causes. I want to thank the entire team at Constanta County Hospital, doctors and nurses, they saved my life! I also want to thank everyone who donated blood on my behalf. Thanks to you, the doctors were able to give me life-saving transfusions.

Now I'm fine, but I have to do blood tests periodically, every few weeks, to see how big it is the number of platelets. I sit in fear. Please pray for me that I will be well, that the no. of platelets doesn't lower under average. Thank you!

I was later hospitalized at the Fundeni Hospital in Bucharest, where they did a complex analysis of my health level, but the diagnosis was similar. Many thanks to the team there also!

The hardest thing for me was staying away from my family, especially my daughter of almost 3 years old. It was hard for her too, she kept asking when her mother was coming home from the hospital. I was away for many days and the longing was great. 

I wish you all good health and strength to overcome life's difficulties!

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