RO / EN: O tendinta prezenta si anul acesta este acea a curelelor foarte late din piele, aproape ca un corset, a hamurilor si altor accesorii din piele facute pentru a scoate din anonimat orice tinuta si a-i da o nota rebela. Mi-a placut acesta centura lata ca un brau si cum vine combinata, domolita de o camasa simpla alba. Am ales o camasa lunga din in pentru ca materialele naturale sunt mereu la moda. E poate cam subtire pentru iarna dar haina groasa va contrabalansa. Sunt la moda si hainele oversized, mult mai mari cum este aceasta haina gri. Am continuat tinuta cu o pereche clasica de jeans skinny albastri, niste botine negre cu toc gros si o geanta tip tote. O tinuta perfecta pentru o iesire in oras, o iesire atat de rara in aceasta perioada de pandemie. Ar fi mers si alt model de camasa, una cu guler deosebit, funda la gat sau maneci bufante de exemplu. Aceasta pe care am ales-o aici e deosebita prin lungime, prin gulerul inalt, manecile cu volane si materialul natural, in. Este doar un mix cu ce am gasit prin magazinele online azi, combinatiile sunt infinite.
+ accesorii piele: curea, ham, brau, corset
+ haina oversized
+ materiale naturale
+ genti tip tote/ sacosa
EN: A trend present this year also is that of leather really wide belts, almost like a corset, of harnesses and other leather accessories made to get any outfit out of the crowd and give it a rebel note. I liked this wide belt like a waist band and how it looks combined, toned down with a simple white shirt. I chose a long linen shirt because natural materials are always in fashion. Maybe it's a little to thin for winter but the thick coat will counterbalance it. In the trends are also oversized coats, much bigger than normal, how it is this grey coat. I completed the outfit with a classic skinny blue jeans, some black boots with think heels and a tote bag. A perfect outfit for going out, as we do go out so rarely during the pandemic. Another style of shirt would have worked just as fine, one with interesting collar, with a bow or puffed up sleeves, for example. The one I chose here is special because of the length, of the high collar, the ruffled sleeves and natural material, linen. It's just a mix of what I found on online stores today, the combinations are infinite.
+ leather accessories: belt, harness, waist, corset
+ oversized coat
+ natural materials
+ tote bags
Camasa Azaris 348 lei
+ centura lata tip brau 160 lei
+ blugi skinny Esprit 349 lei
+ haina 1360 lei
+ botine Tommy Hilfiger 469 lei
+ geanta tote Furla 764 lei
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