

miercuri, 21 decembrie 2022

Book: Christmas Island, Natalie Normann

I bought this book as a present for a friend. I bought it from I chose it because of the beautiful cover and the small description it had. My friend is single and I wanted a Christmassy book with a single lady bumping into love. 

Cosy up in front of a fire and discover Christmas the Norwegian way...full of romance, cosy traditions and hygge! In the bleak midwinter…A really frosty wind is making Holly’s life absolutely miserable

After all the years of hard work it took Londoner Holly Greene to become a doctor, now it could all be taken away and she only has herself to blame. She’s retreating to her brother’s rustic home on an island off the coast of Norway to lick her wounds. Only, it’s the middle of winter and icy slush plus endless darkness isn’t exactly the cheery, festive getaway she had imagined.

Nearly stumbling off the edge of a cliff in the dark, Holly is saved by Frøy, a yellow-eyed cat of fearsome but fluffy proportions, and his owner – grouchy, bearded recluse, Tor. Tor has his own problems to face but the inexplicable desire to leave a bag of freshly baked gingerbread men on Holly’s doorstep is seriously getting in the way of his hermit routine.

Call it kindness, call it Christmas, but Holly’s arrival means midwinter has never looked less bleak.

I read it too. I don't want to give presents to people I love books I didn't enjoy reading. So I read it in a few days. I love it, loved the Christmassy atmosphere full of traditions, the romance and the hope that shines through it's words. There are some beautiful scenes painted with words, like the time they went shopping for presents in a beautiful small Norwegian town, the pastry and cakes filled bakery, the meal they had outside near a big camp-fire, the Christmas fair with different stalls selling all kind of things Christmas related, from food to decorations, the sunrise as seen from a boat on the sea, the storm seen from a cliff, the traditional Christmas dinner with traditional Norwegian food, many friends and relatives participating and even Santa Claus/ Julenissen bringing presents. 

The romance is between Holly, a doctor who has escaped her problems in London and Tor (not Thor), an architect also escaping his problems and living like a hermit on the island. It's a lovely romantic story written in PG13 style, not too many juicy details, but it's ok. I enjoyed it, it seems possible and gives you hope in love stories, it's exactly what I wanted for my friend.

I also was happy with the cakes recepies at the end of the book, maybe my friend will have the chance too cook them.

Delfia Cake with all kinds of sweets in it.

The author is Norwegian Natalie Normann, you can find her on Instagram at @natalienormann , facebook, tiktok.  She followed me back on Instagram, which was so nice of her! She has written historical romance series, thrillers, children's books in Norwegian. Summer Island and Christmas Island are her first books in English.

Did you read this book? Enjoy it if you plan reading it. Kisses! Maria

sâmbătă, 17 decembrie 2022

Secret Santa 2022 - Bloggers Constanța - The View


Cristina Joy venita pentru o perioada in tara (ea s-a mutat la Londra) a zis sa organizeze un Secret Santa cu bloggerii Constanțeni. Ne-am bucurat toti care am aflat (eveniment facebook) si destul de multi am reusit sa si participam vineri 16.12.2022 la The View, Constanta. Au participat, de la stanga la dreapta: Cristina Joy(blog, instagram), eu, Cătălina(instagram), fiica ei- Antonia,  Adina Iordan(instagram), Dragos Ionut(facebook) si un prieten, Cami (facebook), Fabiola(instagram, blog), Elena(instagram, blog). Au fost prezente cu cadouri si Diana Slav(instagram) si Cristina TomiStyle (instagram), Cristina a ajuns si ea pe la 19 si ceva, pe la 18:30 a ajuns si Alexandra (instagram).

Cadourile aduse de fiecare au fost numerotate si apoi am trans la sorti. Cadoul meu e cel incercuit.
Ce am dus eu cadou?
+  de la un voucher cu o plimbare de 2 h cu velierul Lindor pt o pers. vara viitoare
+ de la Amartis Design, un calendar cu zile de nastere inramat si cu instructiuni
+ o cutie cu ciocolatele
+ o felicitare

eu, pozand cadourile primite
Toti am primit cate un cadou de la Diana. Multumim Diana! 
Toi am primit si cate un ingeras de la Elena. Multumim Elena!
Iar eu am primit cadoul de Secret Santa de la Cristina TomiStyle.
Diana a facut niste decoratiuni din dopuri de pluta de la sticle de vin presupun. 
Iar Cristina cele mai frumoase decoratiuni din macrame. Imi plac mult, 
chiar am si participat la un atelier al ei, unde am realizat un ingeras.

Multumesc Cristinei pentru mobilizare si organizare Secret Santa 
si ma bucur ca v-am revazut pe toti, a fost o seara foarte placuta!

Dragos, Adina, Cami, Alexandra, Elena, Antonia, Catalina, Fabiola, Cristina, Maria, Cristina

That's all Folks!


miercuri, 14 decembrie 2022

Am participat cu dulciuri si felicitari la un targ caritabil

Am participat la un targ caritabil (banii stransi vor merge spre copiii de la Spitalul Judetean Constanta, sectia pediatrie). Am donat 10 felicitari, 3 pungi cornulete, 4 pungi biscuiti cu inimioare, 9 pungi turta dulce. Au fost vandute cu 5-10 lei. 

Puteti vedea felicitarile fie pe blogul Amartis Design fie pe YouTube/ TikTok. Am si un giveaway pana maine seara daca va intereseaza un set de felicitari.

video cu felicitarile

Daca ar fi sa mai particip si anul viitor, ce a fost bine:

+ bun, emag/pungi cu model, pe ele le-am folosit. Trebuia sa cumpar 2 seturi de cate 12 pungi. Am mai cumparat si alte 2 modele, celelalte erau prea mici 10 x 15 cm/ prea mari 12 x 30 cm... dar cele mari au fost bune pt felicitari. Intelesesem ca se gasesc si la Jumbo, dar nu am fost sa caut, am mai cautat eu ceva si nu am gasit, dar daca mai ajung pe acolo am sa ma uit.

snurul alb cu rosu e de la Ikea, arata foarte dragut

Video cum am adaugat etichete cu ingredientele la pungile cu dulciuri.

+ bun, pungi lungi 12 x30 cm pentru ambalat felicitari, 

Video cum am ambalat felicitarile in pungi, sigiland cu cate un sticker facut de mine.

+ bun, biscuiti cu inimioare au iesit draguti. Reteta am vazut-o la Ioana Puiu pe TikTok.

+ bun, cornulețe de post cu gem de caise si nuca, reteta Laura Adamache

Poate trebuia sa pun mai multe dulciuri in pungi, eu am pus 3 biscuti- erau mari, 5 cornulete, 5 turte dulci, cam 100-150 g aveau pungile.

Alte idei de la celelalte participante: 2 felii de chec in punga, brioșe(dar fara topping), biscuiți cu m&m/ ciocolata.

Ce am gresit:

- nu trebuia sa fac turta dulce, sau sa nu o decorez, glazura nu s-a întărit prea bine si se lipea de punga, nu rau.. dar parca nu era prea profi. Glazura si decoratiunile din zahar au fost cumparate de la Lidl.

Nu știu exact cat s-au vândut si suma strânsă de organizatori din târg dar sper sa fi fost bine. Voi ati participat la vre-un targ caritabil? Cu ce?